GREEN SHEET 02 – Remember, these are not scored… they are a way for you to rephrase concepts of the lecture for yourself (reflective learning) and a way for you to give me feedback on course content. Spend no more than 5 minutes on this… it’s to focus thought.


January 13, 2010

Lecture – Definitions and distinctions.


Reflective thinking…

How does geography differ from history?



How does geography differ from geology?



Why do geologists generally think Earth systems has 4, not 5, subsystems…

The five subsystems of Earth systems for geographers:


The four subsystems of Earth systems for geologists:



Why is ENERGY such a big deal for understanding Earth systems?



Does it make sense that energy is neither created nor destroyed in a closed system?





Feedback: how did the Google Earth lab go?    (circle any that apply)   

Terrific (fun and educational)                 Just fine            Too simple      


Are you okay choosing your urban setting or do you need more time?

Okay                Okay enough                Too soon to choose