HW08 – REVISED DUE DATE - APRIL 7, 2010 with REVISED HOMEWORK #7  -- done in class                  Your Name:

REPEAT and clarification of what is meant that this is a revised assignment.

(a) For those of you who already turned in this homework and received credit... you'll receive AND please redo this assignment, all of it AFTER we've done Assignment #7 in class..

(b) For those of you who are about to do this homework, first do REVISED ASSIGNMENT #7 in class with me, or at office hours if you miss class, and then do this ASSIGNMENT #8 for full credit.


PURPOSE OF THE HOMEWORK #8 -- use the skills of reading topographic contours and drawing profiles that you did in assignment #7 (the assignment for Emigration Canyon); for "your urban setting" do the same exercise, meaning, (a) use Google Earth and the topographic contour overlay add-in that you used for assignment #7 to draw an elevation profile that is about 2-3 miles long, maximum and then (b) draw it digitally using the PathProfilerTool and Google Maps.

CONTOURS are imaginary lines. A contour line has the same value all along it. They can be elevation or temperature. They portray continuous data. Once you can imagine them, they are everywhere, on the news with weather reports, and on maps showing elevation. They are an essential tool for an urban environmental geographer.

PROFILES are a way of reading contours. They show the same data as a cross-section. They show gradients. Folks who read contours really well, don't need profiles most of the time, but find them useful for displaying information to others, such as how steep a hillslope is where someone wants to build a house. We'll read contours and profiles all through April, so make sure you're fine on this major skill of this course.


COACHING: follow the instructions for Assignment #7, step by step.

LINK to HeyWhatsThat Path Proflier tool for Google Maps

STAPLE all the sheet together. Turn them in, preferably by APRIL 7 but not until you've been successful. Ask for help. Office hours are for you. I can stay after class in the computer lab to coach you.

Urban Environmental Geography

PROFILE. Draw two versions of the same profile for "your urban settine.: One is hand-drawn. The other is drawn digitally. And compare the two.


Your urban setting ________________________________ (note, if your urban setting has poor topographic map coverage, it's okay to choose another urban setting, for example, in the United States. :


Hand in this cover page and four attachements (HW08a-d) similar to those that you generated for Emigration Canyon in class. The difference is that this assignment is for your urban setting..

  1. HW08a - Map showing contours of an area of your urban setting.
  2. HW08b - Detail of that map with the profile line drawn across it. Your profile should be 2 to 5 miles long. Color significant contours. Color major drainages. Color at least one ridge line.
  3. HW08c - Grid with profile. Your paper will have two important parts. (a) The top margin of the paper is where you record elevation and other information for the profile line of HW08b. (b) The grid, also called a graph where you transfer information from the profile line and then connect the dots. Before you connect the dots (or crosses) look again at HW08b and think geographic thoughts about the terrain. Connect the data points of your grid using geographic thoughts. Breathe deeply and congratulate yourself.
  4. HW08d - Digitally generated profile. Your printout should have the profile and the topographic map similar to what we had in class for Emmigration Canyon. It's okay to print out two sheets if for some reason they don't fit onto a page.

THEN: I want you to think about what you've accomplished, practice your skills of observation, and evaluate results.  

OBSERVATIONS about the two profiles … as least 3.

I see


I see


I see



Therefore I think.